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Engine Mount & Update

Update on my SSDR, mainly on the engine installation. Based on the feedback I received on the mounting, combined with my dissatisfaction with available space, I tracked alternative mounts and did a rework.

I got some second hand but serviceable Lycoming and continental mounts. As I could fit the Lycomings I opted for them as they are very substantial.

Moving the cross mounts to an underslung position gave much more clearance, I made up larger cross mounts with bigger clearance holes on the side bolts, so they can be insulated as well.

I was planning to start routing the rudder pedals, and noticed in my somewhat hasty decision to put the arms on the hingepoint, the stabilator obstructs them entirely.

I needed to start on the exhaust, I cut up the monstrous Rotax head unit, made much lighter mounting plates, blasted what was left, cut off the connection point, and welded back together with out the excessive flanging. I used an exhaust calculator to produce dimensions to suit the engine specs, and printed off templates, making up a rough and ready expansion chamber exhaust. I will borrow an original Rotax to give a performance baseline and see how it runs. Below: Mig welded experimental exhaust, still a lot to add its short about 4 sections.

At the same time I noticed some workshop rash had put a large scraped dent in the rudder, so I drilled the skin off, annealed and planished the main dent out, stress revealed as much as possible with a quick bead blast and re anneal, then put a doubler on, which gave a reasonable finish on the repair. I moved the arm down and included a reinforcement doubler to move the load into the skins in shear rather than try torque through the thin spar.

Pictures show the result and fin in position.



Commonswood Farm, Hastings Road, Northiam, East Sussex, TN31 6HY

©2023 Design Fabrication Restoration

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